Recommend the right discount percentage for the right product

  • Boost sales and revenue
  • Access important factors of a style, like True ROS™, availability, health, stock cover, age, etc. to identify items that need to be discounted
  • Identity fast movers to cut discounts and earn higher margins
  • Cap discounting on slow movers to prevent devaluation, if the price reduction is not having an impact on sales

Reorder bestseller for better sales

  • Identify fast movers or suggest designs that should be kept longer on shelves
  • Determine a style’s true sales potential by correcting for unavailability and liquidation scenarios 
  • Account for lead time and minimize sales loss when suggesting reorder quantities 
  • Calculate the right quantity that needs to be reordered for the desired shelf life – 60 days or 90 days to improve overall margins

Business intelligence dashboards

  • Intuitive custom-designed insightful reports to track and monitor results 
  • Flexibility to run at different levels and groups of sales channels or stores
  • Custom grouping of styles for analysis allowing multiple groups within the same category
  • Successfully handle in-season, Event, and Old season liquidation scenarios